
Website VS Web App


People visit many different websites every single day, but not everyone knows what they really are. So let's talk about that. To understand what the websites are, you need first to understand what a web page is. In short web page is a text file with a bunch of code it's nothing special, really. Web pages are written in the following three languages: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To make their functions more understandable I'll use an analogy with the a... erm... T-rex, yeah that will do. HTML is used to describe the structure of the web page, to create the skeleton for your T-rex what parts should the page be made of, and in which order should be placed, this is all described with HTML. CSS is used for design purposes,  making our T-rex look more realistic. Positioning, spaces between components, fonts, and colors of the webpage are described with CSS. And finally JavaScript.It is used to make that boring static web page more dynamic, to add extra functionality to it. The search box's auto-complete function, or profile preview function, is made possible with JavaScript. The above was about the structure of a web page. And a website is basically a folder with a bunch of web pages and media files in it, like music, pictures, and cat videos. Yep, it is that simple, a bunch of files in a folder, nothing more. “But wait a second”, you might say, “I do not see any code when I visit my Facebook page for example. I see a logo, a menu bar, relationship posts, and statuses I do not care about”. Well, that's all thanks to your browser. Browser is a program that takes all that code, analyzes it, and draws a web page onto your screen. By the way, if you are interested in what a code of a web page looks like, here are key combinations to view the source code on different browsers. 

Web Application 

A website application is like a mobile app but delivered over the internet and through a browser, instead of directly from a device and through an app store. Some common examples include webmail, online calculators, online shops, social media sites, message boards, and the list goes on. Often a business's web app and mobile app may have the same capabilities and even appearance. Though a web app functions similarly to an app you might download on a smartphone, it's not the same. Web apps are delivered through a network or browser, like Chrome, Safari, or Firefox; do not need to be downloaded; and can be accessed from any internet-connected platform, whether on a laptop, desktop, tablet, or smartphone. A web app often responds dynamically to screen size and input methods. A mobile app or native app, on the other hand, is designed specifically for certain devices and even operating systems, often making use of device-specific resources like cameras or GPS. While web apps are relatively easy to build, maintain and release to users, they don't work offline and are typically slower than native apps. And, don't always ensure the quality and security that mobile apps do. 

What web apps do you use the most? Let us know in the comments


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